Create a snapshot of objects in a temporary buffer.
This can later be pushed to the undo buffer by calling SaveSnapshot, or any the changes to the objects can be undo by calling RestoreSnapshot Perform an Undo operation. This is similar to the user selecting Undo from the Edit menu.
See Also: PerformRedo.
Simple Scriptable Wizard that lets you perform an undo several times.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
//Performs an Undo the number of times specified.
public class PerformVariousUndo : ScriptableWizard {
public int numberOfSteps = 5;
[MenuItem ("Example/Perform Various Undo %#u")]
static void ExecuteMenu() {
"Perform various Undo at the same time",
void OnWizardCreate() {
// We have to make this in order to make the undo
// dont reset the value entered in the inspector
int savedNumberOfSteps = numberOfSteps + 1;
for(int i = 0; i < savedNumberOfSteps; i++) {