
static function CalculatePath (sourcePosition : Vector3, targetPosition : Vector3, passableMask : int, path : NavMeshPath) : boolean


sourcePosition The initial postion of the path requested.
targetPosition The final position of the path requested.
passableMask A mask specifying which NavMesh layers can be passed when calculating a path.
path The resulting path.


boolean - True if a path is found.


Calculate a path between two points and store the resulting path.

This function can be used to plan a path ahead of time to avoid a delay in gameplay when the path is needed. Another use is to check if a target position is reachable before moving the agent.

    var mesh: NavMesh;
var target: Transform;
private var path: NavMeshPath;
function Start () {
mesh.CalculatePath(transform.position, target.position, -1, path);