CPU Usage Area

The CPU Usage area displays where time is spent in your game. When it is selected, the lower pane displays hierarchical time data for the selected frame.

The way the CPU chart is stacked can be reordered by simply dragging chart labels up & down.

When an item is selected in the lower pane, it's contribution to the CPU chart is highlighted (and the rest are dimmed). Clicking on an item again de-selects it.

Shader.SetPass is selected and it's contribution is highlighted in the chart.

In the hierarchical time data the self time refers to the amount of time spent in a particular function not including the time spent calling sub-functions. In the screenshot above, for example 51.2% of time is spent in the Camera.Render function. This function does a lot of work and calls the various drawing and culling functions. Excluding all these functions only 0.8% of time is spent actually in the Camera.Render function.

Page last updated: 2013-02-12