Navmesh Baking

Once the Navmesh geometry and layers are marked up, it's time to bake the Navmesh geometry.

Inside the Navigation window (Window->Navigation), go to the Bake tab (the upper-right corner), and click on the Bake button (the lower-right corner).

Navigation Bake Window

Here are the properties that affect Navmesh baking:

Radiusradius of the "typical" agent (preferrably the smallest).
Heightheight of the "typical" agent (the "clearance" needed to get a character through).
Max Slopeall surfaces with higher slope than this, will be discarded.
Step heightthe height difference below which navmesh regions are considered connected.
Drop heightIf the value of this property is positive, off-mesh links will be placed for adjacent navmesh surfaces where the height difference is below this value.
Jump distanceIf the value of this property is positive, off-mesh links will be placed for adjacent navmesh surfaces where the horizontal distance is below this value.
Min region areaRegions with areas below this threshold will be discarded.
Width inaccuracy %Allowable width inaccuracy
Height inaccuracy %Allowable height inaccuracy
Height meshIf this options is on, original height information is stored. This has performance implications for speed and memory usage.

Note that the baked navmesh is part of the scene and agents will be able to traverse it. To remove the navmesh, click on Clear when you're in the Bake tab.

Implementation Details

When the Navmesh is baked, it is mapped into square tiles in the XZ-plane. Tile borders are seen as bright blue axis-aligned lines on the Navmesh when you are visualising it. Unity supports up to 1024 tiles in a single scene, each tile represented by 1000x1000 "voxels". Please pay attention to the size of your Navmesh and consequently tile count, if you are planning to have agents navigate over large areas.

Navigation mesh with bright blue axis-aligned lines showing the tile divisions

The default setting for Radius is 0.5 and the default setting for Width Inaccuracy is 0.16666667 (16.666667%). The tile side length for the default settings can be calculated as:

1000 * (2*Radius) * Width Inaccuracy = 1000 * (2*0.5) * 0.16666667 = 166.66667.

Increasing Width Inaccuracy allows for larger areas but reduces Navmesh precision.

For example, if you have a grid of 32 x 32 tiles, you have 1024 tiles. This means that if you had a really large terrain that you wanted to use with the Navmesh, the terrain should not be larger than 5.333 by 5.333 km with the default settings (32 * 166.66667m)

(back to Navigation and Pathfinding)

Page last updated: 2013-03-06