Example: Calling Flash Functions from Unity
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Unity Manual > Getting Started with Flash Development > Example: Calling Flash Functions from Unity

Example: Calling Flash Functions from Unity

This example shows how you can call different AS3 functions from Unity. You will encounter three scripts:

When built to Flash, the AS3 implementation of ExampleClass is used. When run in-editor or built to any platform other than Flash the C#/JavaScript implementation will be used.


public class ExampleClass
����public static function aStaticFunction() : void
��������trace("aStaticFunction - AS3 Implementation");
����public static function aStaticFunctionWithParams(a : int) : void
��������trace("aStaticFunctionWithParams - AS3 Implementation");
����public static function aStaticFunctionWithReturnType() : int
        trace("aStaticFunctionWithReturnType - AS3 Implementation");
��������return 1;
����public function aFunction() : void
��������trace("aFunction - AS3 Implementation");

ExampleClass - C#/JavaScript Implementation

You can create the class to mimic the AS3 implementation in either C# or JavaScript. The implementations are very similar. Both examples are provided below.

C# Implementation (ExampleClass.cs)

using UnityEngine;

public class ExampleClass
    public static void aStaticFunction()
        Debug.Log("aStaticFunction - C# Implementation");

    public static void aStaticFunctionWithParams(int a)
        Debug.Log("aStaticFunctionWithParams - C# Implementation");

    public static int aStaticFunctionWithReturnType()
        Debug.Log("aStaticFunctionWithReturnType - C# Implementation");
        return 1;

    public void aFunction()
        Debug.Log("aFunction - C# Implementation");

JavaScript Implementation (ExampleClass.js)

class ExampleClass
    static function aStaticFunction()
        Debug.Log("aStaticFunction - JS Implementation");

    static function aStaticFunctionWithParams(a : int)
        Debug.Log("aStaticFunctionWithParams - JS Implementation");

    static function aStaticFunctionWithReturnType() : int
      Debug.Log("aStaticFunctionWithReturnType - JS Implementation");
      return 1;

    function aFunction()
        Debug.Log("aFunction - JS Implementation");

How to Call the Functions

int returnedValue = ExampleClass.aStaticFunctionWithReturnType();

ExampleClass exampleClass = new ExampleClass();

Note: The Flash export feature is currently available as a developer preview. This feature is still in development and thus the above information is subject to change.

Page last updated: 2012-05-10