Flash: What is and is not supported
- Lightmapping.
- Occlusion culling
- Editor Scripting (JavaScript / C# / Boo). Note: for JavaScript, use
#pragma strict.
- Custom shaders.
- Animation / skinning
- Basic types like int, string, List.
- Basic audio features, such as AudioSource / AudioListener
- Physics
- Navigation Meshes
- Substance Textures, however the textures are baked at build time so cannot be dynamically changed at runtime.
- PlayerPrefs - On Flash PlayerPrefs are stored per SWF per machine.
- UnityGUI classes that do require text input
Limited support - features with potential issues
- Image Effects. Some image effects do not work on Flash.
- Realtime shadows work, but do get affected by bugs in image effects
- Untyped variables in JavaScript and implicit type conversions
- Unity GUI / Immediate mode GUI
- Any .NET specific stuff. Do not use stuff from exotic class libraries.
- GUIText wil have a dramatic impact on performance
Not supported
- Unity profiler
- Asset bundles
- UnityGUI classes that require text input
- WWW classes. Note that you can write your own ActionScript that uses Adobe networking APIs.
- Raknet networking (if you need networking, you can write it in Action Script 3 directly, using flash API)
- Terrain
- Cloth
- VertexLit shaders currently do not support Spot Lights (they are treated just like point lights).
- FileSystemWatcher, BinaryFormatter, HttpWebRequest do not work
- Advanced audio features, such as audio effects
- Deferred rendering