Version: 2023.2
  • C#


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public NativeArray<U> Reinterpret();


public NativeArray<U> Reinterpret(int expectedTypeSize);


expectedTypeSize The expected size (in bytes, as given by sizeof) of the current element type of the array.


NativeArray<U> An alias of the same array, but reinterpreted as the target type.


Reinterpret the array as having a different data type (type punning).

If an expected element size is not given, the sizes of T and U must match.

When an expected element size is given, Reinterpret allows you to create a view into memory that has a different element size and length compared to the source array. For example, an array of float triples can be reinterpreted as an array of 3d vector structs. The expected element size serves as a checkpoint that the underlying element size in the source array doesn't change size from underneath you, which would make all future uses of the reinterpreted array invalid and possibly dangerous.