This version of Unity is unsupported.


Switch to Manual
public bool ignoreMipmapLimit;


Enable this flag for textures that should ignore mipmap limit settings.

This has no effect if the textureShape is not Texture2D or Texture2DArray. Also, this has no effect on textures without mipmaps. For additional information, see Texture2D.ignoreMipmapLimit and Texture2DArray.ignoreMipmapLimit. By default, an imported texture asset has mipmap limits enabled, and uses the global mipmap limit. If you imported a Texture2DArray asset in Unity version 2023.1 or earlier, the asset will continue to ignore mipmap limits to ensure consistent behavior when upgrading.

Note that imported textures have mipmap limits enabled by default. This code example demonstrates how to use an AssetPostprocessor to explicitly ignore the mipmap limit.

using UnityEditor;

public class ExampleImporter : AssetPostprocessor { void OnPreprocessTexture() { if (assetPath.Contains("_IgnoreMipmapLimit")) { TextureImporter textureImporter = (TextureImporter)assetImporter; textureImporter.ignoreMipmapLimit = true; } } } #endif