Version: 2023.2
  • C#


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public string text;


The text contents of the file as a string. (Read Only)

Encodings are detected and interpreted automatically. Supported encodings are:

  • UTF-32 Big or Little Endian with a byte order mark,
  • UTF-16 Big or Little Endian with a byte order mark,
  • UTF-8 with a byte order mark,
  • UTF-8 without a byte order mark. This encoding is used as a fallback, if the above encodings can't decode the file without missing characters.

To use a specific encoding to decode a file, use TextAsset.bytes and C# encoding classes.

using UnityEngine;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { TextAsset asset;

void Start() { Debug.Log(asset.text); } }

Additional resources: bytes, GetData, Text Assets.