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public void GetMarkers(List<MarkerInfo> markerInfoList);


markerInfoList List filled with marker descriptors.


Gets all available markers for the current profiling session.

Use to retrieve all marker identifiers together with names and other information such as category, flags and metadata parameters.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor.Profiling;
using Unity.Profiling.LowLevel;

public class Example { public static void GetAllWarningMarkers(FrameDataView frameData, List<int> warningMarkerIds) { warningMarkerIds.Clear(); var markers = new List<FrameDataView.MarkerInfo>(); frameData.GetMarkers(markers); foreach (var marker in markers) { if (marker.flags.HasFlag(MarkerFlags.Warning)) warningMarkerIds.Add(; } } }

Additional resources: MarkerInfo.