Version: 2022.2
  • C#


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public static int NewStaticSafetyId(byte* ownerTypeNameBytes, int byteCount);


ownerTypeNameBytes The name of the scripting type that owns this AtomicSafetyHandle, to be embedded in error messages involving the handle. This is expected to be a UTF8-encoded byte array, and is not required to be null-terminated.
byteCount The number of bytes in the ownerTypeNameBytes array, excluding the optional null terminator.


int The newly allocated safety ID.


Allocates a new static safety ID, to store information for the provided type T.

After creating a new static safety id, assign it to the applicable AtomicSafetyHandle instances using SetStaticSafetyId.

The job debugger uses this static safety ID to look up the provided type's name, as well as custom error messages created with SetCustomErrorMessage. Without this information, the job debugger can only emit general error messages that may not clearly identify the source of the error.


public static int NewStaticSafetyId();


int The newly allocated safety ID.


Allocates a new static safety ID, to store information for the provided type T.

After creating a new static safety id, assign it to the applicable AtomicSafetyHandle instances using SetStaticSafetyId.

The job debugger uses this static safety ID to look up the provided type's name, as well as custom error messages created with SetCustomErrorMessage. Without this information, the job debugger can only emit general error messages that may not clearly identify the source of the error.

This variant uses the name of the provided type T as the handle's owner type name.