Version: 2022.2
  • C#


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Excludes textures that, because of their format, would lose precision, or be truncated when the system adds them to the atlas. <br /><br />

The dynamic atlas system accepts non-HDR texture formats that have 8 bits or less per component, before compression<br /><br />

You can add a compressed texture to a dynamic atlas. However, doing so might cause additional image loss because the system must first decompress the image in order to store it in the atlas. Decompression can yield values that are impossible to represent precisely in 8-bits per component. For example, a value of 1/256 in the compressed image might decompress to 3/512. The system cannot store 3/512 in the atlas, so it stores the value as either 1/256 or 2/256.<br /><br />

This creates potential differences between the source texture and the version stored in the atlas. These differences are noticeable in the following scenarios:<br /><br /> 1. Blending Operations: 3/512, 1/256, and 2/256 each produce a different result when you use them in a blending operation. 2. Rendering to high precision render targets (for example, 16 bits per component).

In most cases, the performance benefits of allowing compressed textures into the atlas outweigh the inconvenience of introducing small errors.