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Validates whether custom bounds can be calculated for this Editor.

Use this to validate if Editor.OnGetFrameBounds should be called for this window. The Scene view calls `HasFrameBounds` and `OnGetFrameBounds` when the Frame action is invoked. The Frame action can be called from anywhere, but it is commonly called when you press the F key to frame the selected GameObject.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

// This example traverses all bones in the hierarchy and calculates bounds for the entire object public class GameObjectEditorWindow: Editor { private bool HasFrameBounds() { // the result of this function depends on implementation // it will most likely be used to evaluate whether bounds // can exist for the targets of this Editor Window return Selection.objects.Length > 0; }

public Bounds OnGetFrameBounds() { Transform bone = Selection.activeTransform; Bounds bounds = new Bounds(bone.position, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); foreach (Transform child in bone) bounds.Encapsulate(child.position);

if (bone.parent) bounds.Encapsulate(bone.parent.position);

return bounds; } }