Style values after layout pass.
Property | Description |
alignContent | Alignment of the whole area of children on the cross axis if they span over multiple lines in this container. |
alignItems | Alignment of children on the cross axis of this container. |
alignSelf | Similar to align-items, but only for this specific element. |
backgroundColor | Background color to paint in the element's box. |
backgroundImage | Background image to paint in the element's box. |
borderBottomColor | Color of the element's bottom border. |
borderBottomLeftRadius | The radius of the bottom-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. |
borderBottomRightRadius | The radius of the bottom-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. |
borderBottomWidth | Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. |
borderLeftColor | Color of the element's left border. |
borderLeftWidth | Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. |
borderRightColor | Color of the element's right border. |
borderRightWidth | Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. |
borderTopColor | Color of the element's top border. |
borderTopLeftRadius | The radius of the top-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. |
borderTopRightRadius | The radius of the top-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. |
borderTopWidth | Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. |
bottom | Bottom distance from the element's box during layout. |
color | Color to use when drawing the text of an element. |
display | Defines how an element is displayed in the layout. |
flexBasis | Initial main size of a flex item, on the main flex axis. The final layout might be smaller or larger, according to the flex shrinking and growing determined by the other flex properties. |
flexDirection | Direction of the main axis to layout children in a container. |
flexGrow | Specifies how the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. |
flexShrink | Specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. |
flexWrap | Placement of children over multiple lines if not enough space is available in this container. |
fontSize | Font size to draw the element's text. |
height | Fixed height of an element for the layout. |
justifyContent | Justification of children on the main axis of this container. |
left | Left distance from the element's box during layout. |
letterSpacing | Increases or decreases the space between characters. |
marginBottom | Space reserved for the bottom edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
marginLeft | Space reserved for the left edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
marginRight | Space reserved for the right edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
marginTop | Space reserved for the top edge of the margin during the layout phase. |
maxHeight | Maximum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
maxWidth | Maximum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
minHeight | Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
minWidth | Minimum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. |
opacity | Specifies the transparency of an element. |
paddingBottom | Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
paddingLeft | Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
paddingRight | Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
paddingTop | Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase. |
position | Element's positioning in its parent container. |
right | Right distance from the element's box during layout. |
rotate | A rotation transformation. |
scale | A scaling transformation. |
textOverflow | The element's text overflow mode. |
top | Top distance from the element's box during layout. |
transformOrigin | The transformation origin is the point around which a transformation is applied. |
transitionDelay | Duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes. |
transitionDuration | Time a transition animation should take to complete. |
transitionProperty | Properties to which a transition effect should be applied. |
transitionTimingFunction | Determines how intermediate values are calculated for properties modified by a transition effect. |
translate | A translate transformation. |
unityBackgroundImageTintColor | Tinting color for the element's backgroundImage. |
unityBackgroundScaleMode | Background image scaling in the element's box. |
unityFont | Font to draw the element's text. |
unityFontDefinition | Font to draw the element's text. |
unityFontStyleAndWeight | Font style and weight (normal, bold, italic) to draw the element's text. |
unityParagraphSpacing | Increases or decreases the space between paragraphs. |
unitySliceBottom | Size of the 9-slice's bottom edge when painting an element's background image. |
unitySliceLeft | Size of the 9-slice's left edge when painting an element's background image. |
unitySliceRight | Size of the 9-slice's right edge when painting an element's background image. |
unitySliceTop | Size of the 9-slice's top edge when painting an element's background image. |
unityTextAlign | Horizontal and vertical text alignment in the element's box. |
unityTextOutlineColor | Outline color of the text. |
unityTextOutlineWidth | Outline width of the text. |
unityTextOverflowPosition | The element's text overflow position. |
visibility | Specifies whether or not an element is visible. |
whiteSpace | Word wrap over multiple lines if not enough space is available to draw the text of an element. |
width | Fixed width of an element for the layout. |
wordSpacing | Increases or decreases the space between words. |