Property |
Description |
captureFlags | Flags corresponding to the fields present in a returned memory snapshot. |
connections | Connections is an array of from,to pairs that describe which things are keeping which other things alive. |
fieldDescriptions | Array of Field Descriptions, referenced by Type Description entries by array index. |
filePath | Path to the memory snapshot file. |
gcHandles | All GC handles in use in the memorysnapshot. |
managedHeapSections | Array of actual managed heap memory sections. |
managedStacks | Array of managed stacks in a memory snapshot. |
metadata | Meta data that was collected during memory snapshot capture. |
nativeAllocations | Array of native allocation data, captured in C++. |
nativeAllocationSites | Array of native allocation site data, captured in C++. |
nativeCallstackSymbols | Array of callstack symbols, used by native allocation site data. |
nativeMemoryLabels | Array of memory labels, used by native allocation site data. |
nativeMemoryRegions | Array of native memory regions, which houses native allocations. |
nativeObjects | All native C++ objects that were loaded at time of the snapshot. |
nativeRootReferences | Array of native root references, which represent ownership of native allocation data. |
nativeTypes | Descriptions of all the C++ unity types the profiled player knows about. |
recordDate | The time and date at which the snapshot was recorded. |
typeDescriptions | An array of indexes into PackedMemorySnapshot.typeDescriptions indetifying the type this field belongs to. |
version | The current snapshot format version. |
virtualMachineInformation | Information about the virtual machine running executing the managed code inside the player. |