Android specific player settings.
Property | Description |
androidIsGame | Publish the build as a game rather than a regular application. This option affects devices running Android 5.0 Lollipop and later. |
androidTargetDevices | Select which devices are allowed to run the Android application (all devices, mobile phones, tablets, and TV devices only, or Chrome OS devices only). |
androidTVCompatibility | Provide a build that is Android TV compatible. |
ARCoreEnabled | Enable support for Google ARCore on supported devices. |
autoRotationBehavior | Indicate whether your application window rotates based on device orientation settings (User) or device orientation sensor (Sensor), when default orientation is Auto Rotation. |
blitType | Choose how content is drawn to the screen. |
buildApkPerCpuArchitecture | Create a separate APK for each CPU architecture. |
bundleVersionCode | Android bundle version code. |
chromeosInputEmulation | Un-check to disable Chrome OS's default behaviour of converting mouse and touchpad input events into touchscreen input events. |
defaultWindowHeight | The default vertical size of the Android Player window in pixels. |
defaultWindowWidth | The default horizontal size of the Android Player window in pixels. |
disableDepthAndStencilBuffers | Disable Depth and Stencil Buffers. |
forceInternetPermission | Force internet permission flag. |
forceSDCardPermission | Force SD card permission. |
fullscreenMode | The display mode for Android Player builds of your application. |
keyaliasName | Android key alias name. |
keyaliasPass | Android key alias password. |
keystoreName | Android keystore name. |
keystorePass | Android keystore password. |
maxAspectRatio | Maximum aspect ratio which is supported by the application. |
minifyDebug | Enable to minify debug build. |
minifyRelease | Enable to minify release build. |
minimumWindowHeight | The minimum vertical size of the Android Player window in pixels. |
minimumWindowWidth | The minimum horizontal size of the Android Player window in pixels. |
minSdkVersion | The minimum API level required for your application to run. |
optimizedFramePacing | Enable optimized frame pacing. |
preferredInstallLocation | Preferred application install location. |
renderOutsideSafeArea | Extends rendering layout into display cutout area, utilizing all of the available screen space. |
resizableWindow | Indicates whether Android Player build of your application support a resizable window. |
showActivityIndicatorOnLoading | Application should show ActivityIndicator when loading. |
splashScreenScale | Android splash screen scale mode. |
startInFullscreen | Start in fullscreen mode. |
targetArchitectures | A set of CPU architectures for the Android build target. |
targetSdkVersion | The target API level of your application. |
useAPKExpansionFiles | Split application binary into modules. |
useCustomKeystore | Enable application signing with a custom keystore. |