The properties of sub-emitter particles.
Property | Description |
InheritNothing | When spawning new particles, do not inherit any properties from the parent particles. |
InheritEverything | When spawning new particles, inherit all available properties from the parent particles. |
InheritColor | When spawning new particles, multiply the start color by the color of the parent particles. |
InheritSize | When spawning new particles, multiply the start size by the size of the parent particles. |
InheritRotation | When spawning new particles, add the start rotation to the rotation of the parent particles. |
InheritLifetime | New particles will have a shorter lifespan, the closer their parent particles are to death. |
InheritDuration | When spawning new particles, use the duration and age properties from the parent system, when sampling MainModule curves in the Sub-Emitter. |