Property |
Description |
dryColor | Color when the DetailPrototypes are "dry". |
healthyColor | Color when the DetailPrototypes are "healthy". |
holeEdgePadding | Controls how far away detail objects are from the edge of the hole area. |
maxHeight | Maximum height of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard). |
maxWidth | Maximum width of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard). |
minHeight | Minimum height of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard). |
minWidth | Minimum width of the grass billboards (if render mode is GrassBillboard). |
noiseSeed | Specifies the random seed value for detail object placement. |
noiseSpread | Controls the spatial frequency of the noise pattern used to vary the scale and color of the detail objects. |
prototype | GameObject used by the DetailPrototype. |
prototypeTexture | Texture used by the DetailPrototype. |
renderMode | Render mode for the DetailPrototype. |
useInstancing | Indicates whether this detail prototype uses GPU Instancing for rendering. |
usePrototypeMesh | Indicates whether this detail prototype uses the Mesh object from the GameObject specified by prototype. |