Asset Bundle building options.
This allows you to choose options for building Asset Bundles.
To build Asset Bundle(s) with extra instructions, use this as a parameter of BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle or BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles.
Additional resources: AssetBundle, BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundle, BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles.
//Create a folder (right click in the Assets folder and go to Create>Folder), and name it “Editor” if it doesn’t already exist //Place this script in the Editor folder
//This script creates a new Menu named “Build Asset” and new options within the menu named “Normal” and “Strict Mode”. Click these menu items to build an AssetBundle into a folder with either no extra build options, or a strict build.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour { //Creates a new menu (Build Asset Bundles) and item (Normal) in the Editor [MenuItem("Build Asset Bundles/Normal")] static void BuildABsNone() { //Create a folder to put the Asset Bundle in. // This puts the bundles in your custom folder (this case it's "MyAssetBuilds") within the Assets folder. //Build AssetBundles with no special options BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles("Assets/MyAssetBuilds", BuildAssetBundleOptions.None, BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX); }
//Creates a new item (Strict Mode) in the new Build Asset Bundles menu [MenuItem("Build Asset Bundles/Strict Mode ")] static void BuildABsStrict() { //Build the AssetBundles in strict mode (build fails if any errors are detected) BuildPipeline.BuildAssetBundles("Assets/MyAssetBuilds", BuildAssetBundleOptions.StrictMode, BuildTarget.StandaloneOSX); } }
Property | Description |
None | Build assetBundle without any special option. |
UncompressedAssetBundle | Don't compress the data when creating the AssetBundle. |
DisableWriteTypeTree | Do not include type information within the AssetBundle. |
DeterministicAssetBundle | Builds an asset bundle using a hash for the id of the object stored in the asset bundle. |
ForceRebuildAssetBundle | Force rebuild the assetBundles. |
IgnoreTypeTreeChanges | Ignore the type tree changes when doing the incremental build check. |
AppendHashToAssetBundleName | Append the hash to the assetBundle name. |
ChunkBasedCompression | Use chunk-based LZ4 compression when creating the AssetBundle. |
StrictMode | Do not allow the build to succeed if any errors are reporting during it. |
DryRunBuild | Do a dry run build. |
DisableLoadAssetByFileName | Disables Asset Bundle LoadAsset by file name. |
DisableLoadAssetByFileNameWithExtension | Disables Asset Bundle LoadAsset by file name with extension. |
AssetBundleStripUnityVersion | Removes the Unity Version number in the Archive File & Serialized File headers during the build. |
UseContentHash | Use the content of the asset bundle to calculate the hash. Enabling this flag is recommended to improve incremental build results, but it will force a rebuild of all existing AssetBundles that have been built without the flag. |
StripUnatlasedSpriteCopies | Use to prevent duplicating a texture when it is referenced in multiple bundles. This would primarily happen with particle systems. The new behavior does not duplicate the texture if the sprite does not belong to an atlas. Using this flag is the desired behavior, but is not set by default for backwards compatability reasons. |