Android requirements and compatibility

Introducing Android

Android is a popular open-source operating system for smartphones and tablets. Unity includes native support for the Android platform which means you can use Unity and its tools to create and deliver 2D and 3D applications for Android.

Before you begin to develop an Android application in Unity, familiarize yourself with the key concepts and workflows.

For general information about developing Android applications, refer to Android’s developer documentation.

Unity Megacity running on an Android device.
Unity Megacity running on an Android device.
Topic Description
Android requirements and compatibility Lists requirements for Android development in Unity and Unity feature compatibility on Android devices.
Gradle for Android Introduces the GradleAn Android build system that automates several build processes. This automation means that many common build errors are less likely to occur. More info
See in Glossary
build system, its version compatibility with Unity, and the structure of a Gradle project.
Android App Manifest Introduces Android App Manifests and explains how Unity generates them.
Unity Launcher Manifest Introduces Unity Launcher Manifests and explains how they configure how applications look and behave before they launch.
Unity Library Manifest Introduces Unity Library Manifests and explains how Unity uses them to generate the final Android App Manifest for an application.
How Unity builds Android applications A high-level overview of the Android build process.

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Android requirements and compatibility