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Tutorial Framework
Unity Profiling Core API

Unity Distribution Portal



This is the package for the Unity Distribution Portal, a platform that makes it easier to build for, and submit to multiple Android app stores.

This package is for Android games only. It lets you implement a single set of methods that can address the In-App Purchases of all the app stores accessible via UDP. Please see our documentation for a more thorough overview of the package.

Once your APK file is built with UDP, upload it to the UDP Console and submit your game to the app stores of your choice.

Version information

Released for Unity

Package version 2.2.5 is released for Unity Editor version 2021.2.

Compatible with Unity

These package versions are available in Unity version 2021.2:

Documentation location: State Versions available:
com.unity.purchasing.udp@2.2 released 2.2.4, 2.2.5


android , purchasing , iap

Tutorial Framework
Unity Profiling Core API