This version of Unity is unsupported.
Upgrade from Collaborate to Plastic SCM
Create projects

Upgrade from Collaborate without moving the history

If you’re planning to lose all Collaborate history and just wish to move your project to Plastic as is, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the project and disable Collaborate via the Services window.
  2. Close Unity and make a new Plastic repository and workspace to house your project.
  3. Do an initial set up on your repository (E.g. you may want to use an ignore.conf file that is specific to Unity projects).
  4. Copy and paste your project into your new workspace.
  5. Check in the content and continue working with the new workspace!

If you have the Version ControlA system for managing file changes. You can use Unity in conjunction with most common version control tools, including Perforce, Git, Mercurial and PlasticSCM. More info
See in Glossary
package installed in Unity, it is even easier!

  1. Open the project and disable Collaborate via the Services window.
  2. Open the Plastic SCM window in Unity and click on Create Workspace.
Upgrade from Collaborate to Plastic SCM
Create projects