Version: 2021.1
  • C#
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Profiling.Memory.Experimental

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A class that houses native allocation entry data, returned by PackedMemorySnapshot.nativeAllocations.


addressAn array that contains addresses of native memory allocations.
allocationSiteIdThe allocation site id of the allocation, used by
memoryRegionIndexAn array of indexes that indicate which memory region, beginning region, inside region, or end region, that the memory allocation represents.
overheadSizeAn array that specifies, in bytes, how much of the memory in the returned native allocation is not part of your request. The overhead memory is used for allocation headers and other metadata describing the allocation.
paddingSizeAn array specifying, in bytes, the amount of padding used to align the returned native allocation.
rootReferenceIdAn array of root reference IDs for the allocation. Corresponds to entries in array.
sizeAn array containing the total size, in bytes, of the native allocation.

Public Methods

GetNumEntriesGets the number allocation entries.