Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


public void AddInstance(Renderer targetRenderer, bool[] subMeshMask, bool[] subMeshTransparencyFlags, bool enableTriangleCulling, bool frontTriangleCounterClockwise, uint mask);


targetRenderer The renderer to be added to RayTracingAccelerationStructure.
subMeshMask A bit mask of any size that indicates whether or not to add a submesh to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshMask[i] = true, the submesh is added to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with only one submesh, you may pass an uninitialized array as a default value.
subMeshTransparencyFlags A bit array of any size that indicates whether a given submesh is transparent. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshTransparencyFlag[i] = true, that submesh is marked as transparent. For a Renderer with only one submesh, pass an array with a single initialized entry, and indicate whether or not the one submesh is transparent.
enableTriangleCulling A bool that indicates whether the GPU driver-level culling passes (such as front-face culling or back-face culling) should cull this Renderer. Culling is enabled (true) by default.
frontTriangleCounterClockwise A bool that indicates whether to flip the way triangles face in this renderer. If this is set to true, front-facing triangles will become back-facing and vice versa. Set to false by default.
mask An 8-bit mask you can use to selectively intersect this renderer with rays that only pass the mask. All rays are enabled (0xff) by default.


Add a Renderer to this RayTracingAccelerationStructure.

You must be call this to add an instance to a manually managed RayTracingAccelerationStructure.

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