This version of Unity is unsupported.




Enum indicating the reason why connection to remote device has failed.


NoneNo failure.
UnknownCouldn't identify the reason why connection failed.
NoServerCertificateNo certificate for the app attempting to remote.
HandshakePortBusyHandshake port is in use by another application.
HandshakeUnreachableHandshake connection could not be estabilished because the device could not be found.
HandshakeConnectionFailedHandshake connection could not be established between application and device.
AuthenticationFailedUser authentication could not be verified.
RemotingVersionMismatchThe remoting app on device is not supported by the version used in the remoting player.
IncompatibleTransportProtocolsIncompatible network protocol used.
HandshakeFailedHandshake failed while traying to establish connection with remote device.
TransportPortBusyTransport port is already in use.
TransportUnreachableCould not find a device to establish data transfer with.
TransportConnectionFailedCould not establish a connection to transport data between device and application.
ProtocolVersionMismatchProtocol used by the app does not match remoting app running on remote device.
ProtocolErrorThe network protocol encounted an error.
VideoCodecNotAvailableThe video codec used is unsupported by the remoting app on device.
CanceledConnect manually cancelled.
ConnectionLostEnum indicating the reason why remote connection failed.
DeviceLostConnection to the device was lost. Primarily seen when the device loses user presence.
DisconnectRequestDisconnect requested manually by the user.