This version of Unity is unsupported.
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.



public void SetTextureFromGlobal(int nameID, int globalTextureNameID);


public void SetTextureFromGlobal(string resourceName, string globalTextureName);


resourceName The name of the local resource targeted for binding.
nameID The ID of the local resource as given by Shader.PropertyToID.
globalTextureName The name of the global resource to bind to the local resource.
globalTextureNameID The ID of the global resource as given by Shader.PropertyToID.


Binds a global texture resource to a local texture resource for this RayTracingShader.

If your shaders are not specifically authored to make use of Global Root Signatures, you must bind global resources to a given RayTracingShader as local resources.