This version of Unity is unsupported.

UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute Constructor

public UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute(string version, bool checkOnlyUnityVersion);


versionUnity version that this assembly is compatible with.
checkOnlyUnityVersionMust be set to true.


Initializes a new instance of UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute.

Use this overload during the development cycle to avoid the AssemblyUpdater check that is performed on game code built outside of Unity and imported as assemblies. You can also avoid this check by passing disable-assembly-updater as a command line argument (see the Unity Manual for more details).

Obsolete public UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute(string version);


versionUnity version that this assembly is compatible with.


Initializes a new instance of UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute. This overload has been deprecated.

public UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute(string version, string[] configurationAssembliesHashes);


versionUnity version that this assembly is compatible with.
configurationAssembliesHashesA comma-separated list comprised of the assembly name and attribute hash pairs. For example, assemblyname:hash,assemblyname:hash.


Initializes a new instance of UnityAPICompatibilityVersionAttribute. This constructor is used by internal tooling.