Version: 2019.2
  • C#


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public NativeArray<T> GetFrameMetaData(Guid id, int tag);
public NativeArray<T> GetFrameMetaData(Guid id, int tag, int index);


idProject or package identifier.
tagData stream index.
indexChunk index.


NativeArray<T> Returns the frame metadata as a NativeArray.


Retrieves metadata associated with the frame.

Use GetFrameMetaData to retrieve the data blob that was written to the profiler stream with the Profiler.EmitFrameMetaData method.

Use id to identify the metadata from your project or package.
Use tag to distinguish between different data streams.
Use index to retrieve separate data chunks for each Profiler.EmitFrameMetaData called in a frame.

using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEditor.Profiling;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;

public class Example { public struct TextureInfo { public int format; public int w; public int h; }

public static readonly Guid kMyProjectId = new Guid("7E1DEA84-51F1-477A-82B5-B5C57AC1EBF7"); public static readonly int kTextureInfoTag = 0; public static readonly int kTextureDataTag = 1;

public void EmitTextureToProfilerStream(Texture2D t) { TextureInfo textureInfo = new TextureInfo() { format = (int)t.format, w = t.width, h = t.height }; NativeArray<byte> textureData = t.GetRawTextureData<byte>(); Profiler.EmitFrameMetaData(kMyProjectId, kTextureInfoTag, new[] { textureInfo }); Profiler.EmitFrameMetaData(kMyProjectId, kTextureDataTag, textureData); }

public Texture2D GetTextureFromProfilerStream(int frame) { using (var frameData = ProfilerDriver.GetHierarchyFrameDataView(frame, 0, HierarchyFrameDataView.ViewModes.Default, HierarchyFrameDataView.columnDontSort, false)) { NativeArray<TextureInfo> textureInfos = frameData.GetFrameMetaData<TextureInfo>(kMyProjectId, kTextureInfoTag); if (textureInfos.Length == 0) return null;

NativeArray<byte> textureData = frameData.GetFrameMetaData<byte>(kMyProjectId, kTextureDataTag); if (textureData.Length == 0) return null;

TextureInfo textureInfo = textureInfos[0]; Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(textureInfo.w, textureInfo.h, (TextureFormat)textureInfo.format, false); texture.LoadRawTextureData(textureData);

return texture; } } }