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Method group is Obsolete


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Obsolete public bool isReadyToPlay;


MovieTexture has been deprecated. Refer to the new movie playback solution VideoPlayer.

If the movie is downloading from a web site, this returns if enough data has been downloaded so playback should be able to start without interruptions. For movies not associated with a web stream, this value always returns true.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // Plays a movie over a texture from a stream

UnityWebRequest wwwData; string url = ""; GUITexture gt;

void Start() { wwwData = UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetMovieTexture(url); gt = GetComponent<GUITexture>(); gt.texture = DownloadHandlerMovieTexture.GetContent(wwwData); }

void Update() { MovieTexture m = gt.texture as MovieTexture;

if (!m.isPlaying && m.isReadyToPlay) { m.Play(); } } }