filename | The filename to read from. |
readCmds | A pointer to an array of ReadCommand structs that specify offset, size, and destination buffer. |
readCmdCount | The number of read commands pointed to by readCmds. |
ReadHandle Used to monitor the progress and status of the read command.
Issues an asynchronous file read operation. Returns a ReadHandle.
using System.IO; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe; using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe; using UnityEngine;
class AsyncReadSample : MonoBehaviour { private ReadHandle readHandle; NativeArray<ReadCommand> cmds;
public unsafe void Start() { string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "myfile.bin"); cmds = new NativeArray<ReadCommand>(1, Allocator.Persistent); ReadCommand cmd; cmd.Offset = 0; cmd.Size = 1024; cmd.Buffer = (byte*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(cmd.Size, 16, Allocator.Persistent); cmds[0] = cmd; readHandle = AsyncReadManager.Read(filePath, (ReadCommand*)cmds.GetUnsafePtr(), 1); }
public unsafe void Update() { if (readHandle.IsValid() && readHandle.Status != ReadStatus.InProgress) { Debug.LogFormat("Read {0}", readHandle.Status == ReadStatus.Complete ? "Successful" : "Failed"); readHandle.Dispose(); UnsafeUtility.Free(cmds[0].Buffer, Allocator.Persistent); cmds.Dispose(); } } }
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