This version of Unity is unsupported.
Method group is Obsolete


Obsolete The high level API classes are deprecated and will be removed in the future.


public bool SendWriter(NetworkWriter writer, int channelId);


writer A writer object containing data to send.
channelId The transport channel to send on.


bool True if the data was sent.


This sends the contents of a NetworkWriter object on the connection.

The example below constructs a writer and sends it on a connection.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class ExampleScript : MonoBehaviour { public bool Send(short msgType, MessageBase msg, NetworkConnection conn) { NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter(); writer.StartMessage(msgType); msg.Serialize(writer); writer.FinishMessage(); return conn.SendWriter(writer, Channels.DefaultReliable); } }