This version of Unity is unsupported.
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.



public bool TryAddReferencePoint(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, out Experimental.XR.TrackableId referencePointId);


position Current position, in device space, of a point you want the device to track.
rotation Current rotation, in device space, of a point you want the device to track.
referencePointId If this method returns true, this is filled out with the ID (unique to the session) of the point.


bool If the ReferencePoint was added successfully, this method returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.


Attempt to add a ReferencePoint that gets tracked by the device.


public bool TryAddReferencePoint(Pose pose, out Experimental.XR.TrackableId referencePointId);


pose Current pose, in device space, of a point you want the device to track.
referencePointId If this method returns true, this is filled out with the ID (unique to the session) of the point.


bool If the ReferencePoint was added successfully, this method returns true. Otherwise, it returns false.


Attempt to add a ReferencePoint that gets tracked by the device.