This version of Unity is unsupported.
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.



public bool TryGetPlaneBoundary(Experimental.XR.TrackableId planeId, List<Vector3> boundaryOut);


planeId The session-unique TrackableId of the plane.
boundaryOut A list of vertices representing the plane's boundary.


bool True if the plane exists (i.e., is still being tracked), otherwise false.


Try to retrieve a list of positions in device space describing the current plane boundary.

If successful, the boundaryOut parameter is populated with vertices describing the plane's boundary. The boundary will always contain at least four vertices, and may contain more depending on the specific device providing the boundary. Returns false if the plane is no longer tracked by the system.

See Also: BoundedPlane.TryGetBoundary