This version of Unity is unsupported.
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.



public void GetConfidence(List<float> confidenceOut);


confidenceOut A list of floats containing all confidence values for the point cloud.


Retrieves the confidence values for each point in the point cloud.

The point cloud represents positions in the physical environment used by the device for inside-out-tracking. Each point in the point cloud (also known as a "feature point") may have a "confidence" associated with it, indicating how accurate the point is. The value is normalized between 0 and 1.

The list of confidence values is a parallel array to that provided by XRDepthSubsystem.GetPoints.

Existing data is replaced with a list of the current confidence values. To avoid excessive heap allocations, developers may reuse the same list each call. A reallocation only happens when the list's capacity is insufficient.

If confidenceOut is null, this method throws ArgumentNullException.