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public void SetShaderPassEnabled(string passName, bool enabled);


passNameShader pass name (case insensitive).
enabledFlag indicating whether this Shader pass should be enabled.


Enables or disables a Shader pass on a per-Material level.

By default, all Shader passes are enabled. This function allows a Material to treat a specific Shader pass (as indicated by LightMode pass tag) as if it does not exist in the Shader. For example, if the Shader has a "refraction" pass but you only want to enable it on Materials that have a refraction Texture assigned, pass "refraction" as passName and false for enabled for Materials without a refraction Texture assigned. Note that the Shader pass enable/disable flag only affects custom rendering pipelines that use the RenderLoop class (via RenderLoop.DrawRenderers or RenderLoop.DrawShadows).

See Also: GetShaderPassEnabled, RenderLoop, Shader pass tags.