Version: 2017.3 (switch to 2017.4)
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public static Avatar BuildGenericAvatar(GameObject go, string rootMotionTransformName);


go Root object of your transform hierarchy.
rootMotionTransformName Transform name of the root motion transform. If empty no root motion is defined and you must take care of avatar movement yourself.


Create a new generic avatar.

All transforms under the root game object will be part of this generic avatar.

function Start() {
    var go: GameObject = Selection.activeGameObject;

if (go != null && go.GetComponent.<Animator>() != null) { var avatar: Avatar = AvatarBuilder.BuildGenericAvatar(go, ""); = "Bob"; Debug.Log(avatar.isHuman ? "is human" : "is generic");

var animator: Animator = go.GetComponent.<Animator>() as Animator; animator.avatar = avatar; } }

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