An Example of a YAML Scene File
Troubleshoot the Editor

YAML Class ID Reference

A reference of common class ID numbers used by the YAML file format is given below, both in numerical order of class IDs and alphabetical order of class names. Note that some ranges of numbers are intentionally omitted from the sequence - these may represent classes that have been removed from the API or may be reserved for future use. Classes defined from scriptsA piece of code that allows you to create your own Components, trigger game events, modify Component properties over time and respond to user input in any way you like. More info
See in Glossary
will always have class ID 114 (MonoBehaviour).

Classes ordered by ID number

ID Class
0 Object
1 GameObjectThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info
See in Glossary
2 Component
3 LevelGameManager
4 Transform
5 TimeManager
6 GlobalGameManager
8 Behaviour
9 GameManager
11 AudioManager
13 InputManager
18 EditorExtension
19 Physics2DSettings
20 CameraA component which creates an image of a particular viewpoint in your scene. The output is either drawn to the screen or captured as a texture. More info
See in Glossary
21 Material
23 MeshRenderer
25 Renderer
27 Texture
28 Texture2D
29 OcclusionCullingSettings
30 GraphicsSettings
33 MeshFilter
41 OcclusionPortal
43 MeshThe main graphics primitive of Unity. Meshes make up a large part of your 3D worlds. Unity supports triangulated or Quadrangulated polygon meshes. Nurbs, Nurms, Subdiv surfaces must be converted to polygons. More info
See in Glossary
45 SkyboxA special type of Material used to represent skies. Usually six-sided. More info
See in Glossary
47 QualitySettings
48 ShaderA program that runs on the GPU. More info
See in Glossary
49 TextAsset
50 Rigidbody2D
53 Collider2D
54 RigidbodyA component that allows a GameObject to be affected by simulated gravity and other forces. More info
See in Glossary
55 PhysicsManager
56 ColliderAn invisible shape that is used to handle physical collisions for an object. A collider doesn’t need to be exactly the same shape as the object’s mesh - a rough approximation is often more efficient and indistinguishable in gameplay. More info
See in Glossary
57 JointA physics component allowing a dynamic connection between Rigidbody components, usually allowing some degree of movement such as a hinge. More info
See in Glossary
58 CircleCollider2D
59 HingeJoint
60 PolygonCollider2D
61 BoxCollider2D
62 PhysicsMaterial2D
64 MeshCollider
65 BoxCollider
66 CompositeCollider2D
68 EdgeCollider2D
70 CapsuleCollider2D
72 ComputeShader
74 AnimationClip
75 ConstantForce
78 TagManager
81 AudioListener
82 AudioSource
83 AudioClip
84 RenderTexture
86 CustomRenderTexture
89 CubemapA collection of six square textures that can represent the reflections in an environment or the skybox drawn behind your geometry. The six squares form the faces of an imaginary cube that surrounds an object; each face represents the view along the directions of the world axes (up, down, left, right, forward and back). More info
See in Glossary
90 AvatarAn interface for retargeting animation from one rig to another. More info
See in Glossary
91 AnimatorController
93 RuntimeAnimatorController
94 ShaderNameRegistry
95 Animator
96 TrailRenderer
98 DelayedCallManager
102 TextMesh
104 RenderSettings
108 Light
109 ShaderInclude
110 BaseAnimationTrack
111 Animation
114 MonoBehaviour
115 MonoScript
116 MonoManager
117 Texture3D
118 NewAnimationTrack
119 Projector
120 LineRenderer
121 Flare
122 Halo
123 LensFlare
124 FlareLayer
126 NavMeshProjectSettings
128 Font
129 PlayerSettings
130 NamedObject
134 PhysicsMaterial
135 SphereCollider
136 CapsuleCollider
137 SkinnedMeshRenderer
138 FixedJoint
141 BuildSettings
142 AssetBundle
143 CharacterController
144 CharacterJoint
145 SpringJoint
146 WheelCollider
147 ResourceManager
150 PreloadData
152 MovieTexture
153 ConfigurableJoint
154 TerrainCollider
156 TerrainData
157 LightmapSettings
158 WebCamTexture
159 EditorSettings
162 EditorUserSettings
164 AudioReverbFilter
165 AudioHighPassFilter
166 AudioChorusFilter
167 AudioReverbZone
168 AudioEchoFilter
169 AudioLowPassFilter
170 AudioDistortionFilter
171 SparseTexture
180 AudioBehaviour
181 AudioFilter
182 WindZone
183 Cloth
184 SubstanceArchive
185 ProceduralMaterial
186 ProceduralTexture
187 Texture2DArray
188 CubemapArray
191 OffMeshLink
192 OcclusionArea
193 Tree
195 NavMeshAgent
196 NavMeshSettings
198 ParticleSystem
199 ParticleSystemRenderer
200 ShaderVariantCollection
205 LODGroup
206 BlendTree
207 Motion
208 NavMeshObstacle
210 SortingGroup
212 SpriteRenderer
213 SpriteA 2D graphic objects. If you are used to working in 3D, Sprites are essentially just standard textures but there are special techniques for combining and managing sprite textures for efficiency and convenience during development. More info
See in Glossary
214 CachedSpriteAtlas
215 ReflectionProbe
218 TerrainThe landscape in your scene. A Terrain GameObject adds a large flat plane to your scene and you can use the Terrain’s Inspector window to create a detailed landscape. More info
See in Glossary
220 LightProbeGroup
221 AnimatorOverrideController
222 CanvasRenderer
223 Canvas
224 RectTransform
225 CanvasGroup
226 BillboardAsset
227 BillboardRenderer
228 SpeedTreeWindAsset
229 AnchoredJoint2D
230 Joint2D
231 SpringJoint2D
232 DistanceJoint2D
233 HingeJoint2D
234 SliderJoint2D
235 WheelJoint2D
236 ClusterInputManager
237 BaseVideoTexture
238 NavMeshData
240 AudioMixer
241 AudioMixerController
243 AudioMixerGroupController
244 AudioMixerEffectController
245 AudioMixerSnapshotController
246 PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D
247 ConstantForce2D
248 Effector2D
249 AreaEffector2D
250 PointEffector2D
251 PlatformEffector2D
252 SurfaceEffector2D
253 BuoyancyEffector2D
254 RelativeJoint2D
255 FixedJoint2D
256 FrictionJoint2D
257 TargetJoint2D
258 LightProbes
259 LightProbeProxyVolume
271 SampleClip
272 AudioMixerSnapshot
273 AudioMixerGroup
290 AssetBundleManifest
300 RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManager
310 UnityConnectSettings
319 AvatarMask
320 PlayableDirector
328 VideoPlayer
329 VideoClip
330 ParticleSystemForceField
331 SpriteMask
363 OcclusionCullingData
1001 PrefabInstance
1002 EditorExtensionImpl
1003 AssetImporter
1005 Mesh3DSImporter
1006 TextureImporter
1007 ShaderImporter
1008 ComputeShaderImporter
1020 AudioImporter
1026 HierarchyState
1028 AssetMetaData
1029 DefaultAsset
1030 DefaultImporter
1031 TextScriptImporter
1032 SceneAsset
1034 NativeFormatImporter
1035 MonoImporter
1038 LibraryAssetImporter
1040 ModelImporter
1041 FBXImporter
1042 TrueTypeFontImporter
1045 EditorBuildSettings
1048 InspectorExpandedState
1049 AnnotationManager
1050 PluginImporter
1051 EditorUserBuildSettings
1055 IHVImageFormatImporter
1101 AnimatorStateTransition
1102 AnimatorState
1105 HumanTemplate
1107 AnimatorStateMachine
1108 PreviewAnimationClip
1109 AnimatorTransition
1110 SpeedTreeImporter
1111 AnimatorTransitionBase
1112 SubstanceImporter
1113 LightmapParameters
1120 LightingDataAsset
1124 SketchUpImporter
1125 BuildReport
1126 PackedAssets
1127 VideoClipImporter
100000 int
100001 bool
100002 float
100003 MonoObject
100004 CollisionA collision occurs when the physics engine detects that the colliders of two GameObjects make contact or overlap, when at least one has a Rigidbody component and is in motion. More info
See in Glossary
100005 Vector3f
100006 RootMotionData
100007 Collision2D
100008 AudioMixerLiveUpdateFloat
100009 AudioMixerLiveUpdateBool
100010 Polygon2D
100011 void
19719996 TilemapCollider2D
41386430 ImportLog
55640938 GraphicsStateCollection
73398921 VFXRenderer
156049354 Grid
156483287 ScenesUsingAssets
171741748 ArticulationBody
181963792 Preset
285090594 IConstraint
294290339 AssemblyDefinitionReferenceImporter
355983997 AudioResource
369655926 AssetImportInProgressProxy
382020655 PluginBuildInfo
387306366 MemorySettings
403037116 BuildMetaDataImporter
403037117 BuildInstructionImporter
426301858 EditorProjectAccess
468431735 PrefabImporter
483693784 TilemapRenderer
612988286 SpriteAtlasAsset
638013454 SpriteAtlasDatabase
641289076 AudioBuildInfo
644342135 CachedSpriteAtlasRuntimeData
655991488 MultiplayerManager
662584278 AssemblyDefinitionReferenceAsset
668709126 BuiltAssetBundleInfoSet
687078895 SpriteAtlas
747330370 RayTracingShaderImporter
780535461 BuildArchiveImporter
815301076 PreviewImporter
825902497 RayTracingShader
850595691 LightingSettings
877146078 PlatformModuleSetup
890905787 VersionControlSettings
893571522 CustomCollider2D
895512359 AimConstraint
937362698 VFXManager
947337230 RoslynAnalyzerConfigAsset
954905827 RuleSetFileAsset
994735392 VisualEffectSubgraph
994735403 VisualEffectSubgraphOperator
994735404 VisualEffectSubgraphBlock
1001480554 PrefabAn asset type that allows you to store a GameObject complete with components and properties. The prefab acts as a template from which you can create new object instances in the scene. More info
See in Glossary
1027052791 LocalizationImporter
1114811875 ReferencesArtifactGenerator
1152215463 AssemblyDefinitionAsset
1154873562 SceneVisibilityState
1183024399 LookAtConstraint
1210832254 SpriteAtlasImporter
1233149941 AudioContainerElement
1268269756 GameObjectRecorder
1307931743 AudioRandomContainer
1325145578 LightingDataAssetParent
1386491679 PresetManager
1403656975 StreamingManager
1480428607 LowerResBlitTexture
1521398425 VideoBuildInfo
1541671625 C4DImporter
1542919678 StreamingController
1557264870 ShaderContainer
1597193336 RoslynAdditionalFileAsset
1642787288 RoslynAdditionalFileImporter
1652712579 MultiplayerRolesData
1660057539 SceneRoots
1731078267 BrokenPrefabAsset
1736697216 AndroidAssetPackImporter
1742807556 GridLayout
1766753193 AssemblyDefinitionImporter
1773428102 ParentConstraint
1777034230 RuleSetFileImporter
1818360608 PositionConstraint
1818360609 RotationConstraint
1818360610 ScaleConstraint
1839735485 TilemapA GameObject that allows you to quickly create 2D levels using tiles and a grid overlay. More info
See in Glossary
1896753125 PackageManifest
1896753126 PackageManifestImporter
1903396204 RoslynAnalyzerConfigImporter
1931382933 UIRenderer
1953259897 TerrainLayer
1971053207 SpriteShapeRenderer
2058629509 VisualEffectAsset
2058629510 VisualEffectImporter
2058629511 VisualEffectResource
2059678085 VisualEffectObject
2083052967 VisualEffect
2083778819 LocalizationAsset
2089858483 ScriptedImporter
2103361453 ShaderIncludeImporter

Classes ordered alphabetically

ID Class
AimConstraint 895512359
AnchoredJoint2D 229
AndroidAssetPackImporter 1736697216
Animation 111
AnimationClip 74
Animator 95
AnimatorController 91
AnimatorOverrideController 221
AnimatorState 1102
AnimatorStateMachine 1107
AnimatorStateTransition 1101
AnimatorTransition 1109
AnimatorTransitionBase 1111
AnnotationManager 1049
AreaEffector2D 249
ArticulationBody 171741748
AssemblyDefinitionAsset 1152215463
AssemblyDefinitionImporter 1766753193
AssemblyDefinitionReferenceAsset 662584278
AssemblyDefinitionReferenceImporter 294290339
AssetBundle 142
AssetBundleManifest 290
AssetImporter 1003
AssetImportInProgressProxy 369655926
AssetMetaData 1028
AudioBehaviour 180
AudioBuildInfo 641289076
AudioChorusFilter 166
AudioClip 83
AudioContainerElement 1233149941
AudioDistortionFilter 170
AudioEchoFilter 168
AudioFilter 181
AudioHighPassFilter 165
AudioImporter 1020
AudioListener 81
AudioLowPassFilter 169
AudioManager 11
AudioMixer 240
AudioMixerController 241
AudioMixerEffectController 244
AudioMixerGroup 273
AudioMixerGroupController 243
AudioMixerLiveUpdateBool 100009
AudioMixerLiveUpdateFloat 100008
AudioMixerSnapshot 272
AudioMixerSnapshotController 245
AudioRandomContainer 1307931743
AudioResource 355983997
AudioReverbFilter 164
AudioReverbZone 167
AudioSource 82
Avatar 90
AvatarMask 319
BaseAnimationTrack 110
BaseVideoTexture 237
Behaviour 8
BillboardAsset 226
BillboardRenderer 227
BlendTree 206
bool 100001
BoxCollider 65
BoxCollider2D 61
BrokenPrefabAsset 1731078267
BuildArchiveImporter 780535461
BuildInstructionImporter 403037117
BuildMetaDataImporter 403037116
BuildReport 1125
BuildSettings 141
BuiltAssetBundleInfoSet 668709126
BuoyancyEffector2D 253
C4DImporter 1541671625
CachedSpriteAtlas 214
CachedSpriteAtlasRuntimeData 644342135
Camera 20
Canvas 223
CanvasGroup 225
CanvasRenderer 222
CapsuleCollider 136
CapsuleCollider2D 70
CharacterController 143
CharacterJoint 144
CircleCollider2D 58
Cloth 183
ClusterInputManager 236
Collider 56
Collider2D 53
Collision 100004
Collision2D 100007
Component 2
CompositeCollider2D 66
ComputeShader 72
ComputeShaderImporter 1008
ConfigurableJoint 153
ConstantForce 75
ConstantForce2D 247
Cubemap 89
CubemapArray 188
CustomCollider2D 893571522
CustomRenderTexture 86
DefaultAsset 1029
DefaultImporter 1030
DelayedCallManager 98
DistanceJoint2D 232
EdgeCollider2D 68
EditorBuildSettings 1045
EditorExtension 18
EditorExtensionImpl 1002
EditorProjectAccess 426301858
EditorSettings 159
EditorUserBuildSettings 1051
EditorUserSettings 162
Effector2D 248
FBXImporter 1041
FixedJoint 138
FixedJoint2D 255
Flare 121
FlareLayer 124
float 100002
Font 128
FrictionJoint2D 256
GameManager 9
GameObject 1
GameObjectRecorder 1268269756
GlobalGameManager 6
GraphicsSettings 30
GraphicsStateCollection 55640938
Grid 156049354
GridLayout 1742807556
Halo 122
HierarchyState 1026
HingeJoint 59
HingeJoint2D 233
HumanTemplate 1105
IConstraint 285090594
IHVImageFormatImporter 1055
ImportLog 41386430
InputManager 13
InspectorExpandedState 1048
int 100000
Joint 57
Joint2D 230
LensFlare 123
LevelGameManager 3
LibraryAssetImporter 1038
Light 108
LightingDataAsset 1120
LightingDataAssetParent 1325145578
LightingSettings 850595691
LightmapParameters 1113
LightmapSettings 157
LightProbeGroup 220
LightProbeProxyVolume 259
LightProbes 258
LineRenderer 120
LocalizationAsset 2083778819
LocalizationImporter 1027052791
LODGroup 205
LookAtConstraint 1183024399
LowerResBlitTexture 1480428607
Material 21
MemorySettings 387306366
Mesh 43
Mesh3DSImporter 1005
MeshCollider 64
MeshFilter 33
MeshRenderer 23
ModelImporter 1040
MonoBehaviour 114
MonoImporter 1035
MonoManager 116
MonoObject 100003
MonoScript 115
Motion 207
MovieTexture 152
MultiplayerManager 655991488
MultiplayerRolesData 1652712579
NamedObject 130
NativeFormatImporter 1034
NavMeshAgent 195
NavMeshData 238
NavMeshObstacle 208
NavMeshProjectSettings 126
NavMeshSettings 196
NewAnimationTrack 118
Object 0
OcclusionArea 192
OcclusionCullingData 363
OcclusionCullingSettings 29
OcclusionPortal 41
OffMeshLink 191
PackageManifest 1896753125
PackageManifestImporter 1896753126
PackedAssets 1126
ParentConstraint 1773428102
ParticleSystem 198
ParticleSystemForceField 330
ParticleSystemRenderer 199
Physics2DSettings 19
PhysicsManager 55
PhysicsMaterial 134
PhysicsMaterial2D 62
PhysicsUpdateBehaviour2D 246
PlatformEffector2D 251
PlatformModuleSetup 877146078
PlayableDirector 320
PlayerSettings 129
PluginBuildInfo 382020655
PluginImporter 1050
PointEffector2D 250
Polygon2D 100010
PolygonCollider2D 60
PositionConstraint 1818360608
Prefab 1001480554
PrefabImporter 468431735
PrefabInstance 1001
PreloadData 150
Preset 181963792
PresetManager 1386491679
PreviewAnimationClip 1108
PreviewImporter 815301076
ProceduralMaterial 185
ProceduralTexture 186
Projector 119
QualitySettings 47
RayTracingShader 825902497
RayTracingShaderImporter 747330370
RectTransform 224
ReferencesArtifactGenerator 1114811875
ReflectionProbe 215
RelativeJoint2D 254
Renderer 25
RenderSettings 104
RenderTexture 84
ResourceManager 147
Rigidbody 54
Rigidbody2D 50
RootMotionData 100006
RoslynAdditionalFileAsset 1597193336
RoslynAdditionalFileImporter 1642787288
RoslynAnalyzerConfigAsset 947337230
RoslynAnalyzerConfigImporter 1903396204
RotationConstraint 1818360609
RuleSetFileAsset 954905827
RuleSetFileImporter 1777034230
RuntimeAnimatorController 93
RuntimeInitializeOnLoadManager 300
SampleClip 271
ScaleConstraint 1818360610
SceneAsset 1032
SceneRoots 1660057539
ScenesUsingAssets 156483287
SceneVisibilityState 1154873562
ScriptedImporter 2089858483
Shader 48
ShaderContainer 1557264870
ShaderImporter 1007
ShaderInclude 109
ShaderIncludeImporter 2103361453
ShaderNameRegistry 94
ShaderVariantCollection 200
SketchUpImporter 1124
SkinnedMeshRenderer 137
Skybox 45
SliderJoint2D 234
SortingGroup 210
SparseTexture 171
SpeedTreeImporter 1110
SpeedTreeWindAsset 228
SphereCollider 135
SpringJoint 145
SpringJoint2D 231
Sprite 213
SpriteAtlas 687078895
SpriteAtlasAsset 612988286
SpriteAtlasDatabase 638013454
SpriteAtlasImporter 1210832254
SpriteMask 331
SpriteRenderer 212
SpriteShapeRenderer 1971053207
StreamingController 1542919678
StreamingManager 1403656975
SubstanceArchive 184
SubstanceImporter 1112
SurfaceEffector2D 252
TagManager 78
TargetJoint2D 257
Terrain 218
TerrainCollider 154
TerrainData 156
TerrainLayer 1953259897
TextAsset 49
TextMesh 102
TextScriptImporter 1031
Texture 27
Texture2D 28
Texture2DArray 187
Texture3D 117
TextureImporter 1006
Tilemap 1839735485
TilemapCollider2D 19719996
TilemapRenderer 483693784
TimeManager 5
TrailRenderer 96
Transform 4
Tree 193
TrueTypeFontImporter 1042
UIRenderer 1931382933
UnityConnectSettings 310
Vector3f 100005
VersionControlSettings 890905787
VFXManager 937362698
VFXRenderer 73398921
VideoBuildInfo 1521398425
VideoClip 329
VideoClipImporter 1127
VideoPlayer 328
VisualEffect 2083052967
VisualEffectAsset 2058629509
VisualEffectImporter 2058629510
VisualEffectObject 2059678085
VisualEffectResource 2058629511
VisualEffectSubgraph 994735392
VisualEffectSubgraphBlock 994735404
VisualEffectSubgraphOperator 994735403
void 100011
WebCamTexture 158
WheelCollider 146
WheelJoint2D 235
WindZone 182

Unused IDs

Unused IDs: 7, 10, 12, 14 - 17, 22, 24, 26, 31 - 32, 34 - 40, 42, 44, 46, 51 - 52, 63, 67, 69, 71, 73, 76 - 77, 79 - 80, 85, 87 - 88, 92, 97, 99 - 101, 103, 105 - 107, 112 - 113, 125, 127, 131 - 133, 139 - 140, 148 - 149, 151, 155, 160 - 161, 163, 172 - 179, 189 - 190, 194, 197, 201 - 204, 209, 211, 216 - 217, 219, 239, 242, 260 - 270, 274 - 289, 291 - 299, 301 - 309, 311 - 318, 321 - 327, 332 - 362, 364 - 899, 901 - 1000, 1004, 1009 - 1019, 1021 - 1025, 1027, 1033, 1036 - 1037, 1039, 1043 - 1044, 1046 - 1047, 1052 - 1054, 1056 - 1100, 1103 - 1104, 1106, 1114 - 1119, 1121 - 1123, 1128 - 99999, 100012 - 19719995, 19719997 - 41386429, 41386431 - 55640937, 55640939 - 73398920, 73398922 - 156049353, 156049355 - 156483286, 156483288 - 171741747, 171741749 - 181963791, 181963793 - 285090593, 285090595 - 294290338, 294290340 - 355983996, 355983998 - 369655925, 369655927 - 382020654, 382020656 - 387306365, 387306367 - 403037115, 403037118 - 426301857, 426301859 - 468431734, 468431736 - 483693783, 483693785 - 612988285, 612988287 - 638013453, 638013455 - 641289075, 641289077 - 644342134, 644342136 - 655991487, 655991489 - 662584277, 662584279 - 668709125, 668709127 - 687078894, 687078896 - 702665668, 702665670 - 747330369, 747330371 - 780535460, 780535462 - 815301075, 815301077 - 825902496, 825902498 - 850595690, 850595692 - 877146077, 877146079 - 890905786, 890905788 - 893571521, 893571523 - 895512358, 895512360 - 937362697, 937362699 - 947337229, 947337231 - 954905826, 954905828 - 994735391, 994735393 - 994735402, 994735405 - 1001480553, 1001480555 - 1027052790, 1027052792 - 1114811874, 1114811876 - 1152215462, 1152215464 - 1154873561, 1154873563 - 1183024398, 1183024400 - 1210832253, 1210832255 - 1223240403, 1223240405 - 1233149940, 1233149942 - 1268269755, 1268269757 - 1307931742, 1307931744 - 1325145577, 1325145579 - 1386491678, 1386491680 - 1403656974, 1403656976 - 1480428606, 1480428608 - 1521398424, 1521398426 - 1541671624, 1541671626 - 1542919677, 1542919679 - 1557264869, 1557264871 - 1597193335, 1597193337 - 1642787287, 1642787289 - 1652712578, 1652712580 - 1660057538, 1660057540 - 1731078266, 1731078268 - 1736697215, 1736697217 - 1742807555, 1742807557 - 1766753192, 1766753194 - 1773428101, 1773428103 - 1777034229, 1777034231 - 1818360607, 1818360611 - 1839735484, 1839735486 - 1896753124, 1896753127 - 1903396203, 1903396205 - 1931382932, 1931382934 - 1953259896, 1953259898 - 1971053206, 1971053208 - 2058629508, 2058629512 - 2059678084, 2059678086 - 2083052966, 2083052968 - 2083778818, 2083778820 - 2089858482, 2089858484 - 2103361452, 2103361454 - 2147483647

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An Example of a YAML Scene File
Troubleshoot the Editor