Version: 5.6
public static int MaskField (GUIContent label, int mask, string[] displayedOptions, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static int MaskField (string label, int mask, string[] displayedOptions, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static int MaskField (GUIContent label, int mask, string[] displayedOptions, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static int MaskField (string label, int mask, string[] displayedOptions, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static int MaskField (int mask, string[] displayedOptions, GUIStyle style, params GUILayoutOption[] options);
public static int MaskField (int mask, string[] displayedOptions, params GUILayoutOption[] options);


label Prefix label of the field.
mask The current mask to display.
displayedOption A string array containing the labels for each flag.
options An optional list of layout options that specify extra layouting properties. Any values passed in here will override settings defined by the style.
See Also: GUILayout.Width, GUILayout.Height, GUILayout.MinWidth, GUILayout.MaxWidth, GUILayout.MinHeight, GUILayout.MaxHeight, GUILayout.ExpandWidth, GUILayout.ExpandHeight.


int The value modified by the user.


Make a field for masks.

Simple window that shows the mask field.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class MaskFieldExample : EditorWindow { static int flags = 0; static string[] options = new string[] {"CanJump", "CanShoot", "CanSwim"};

[MenuItem("Examples/Mask Field usage")] static void Init() { MaskFieldExample window = (MaskFieldExample)GetWindow(typeof(MaskFieldExample)); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { flags = EditorGUILayout.MaskField("Player Flags", flags, options); } }