Version: 2019.2
Network Lobby Manager
Network Manager HUD

Network Lobby Player

ノート: UNet は非推奨となり、今後 Unity から削除される予定です。新しいシステムが開発中です。詳細は ブログFAQ を参照してください。

The Network Lobby Player stores per-player state for the Network Lobby Manager while in the lobby. When using this component, you need to write a script which allows players to indicate they are ready to begin playing, which sets the readyToBegin property. See documentation on the Network Lobby Manager for full details on how to use this component.

A GameObject with a Network Lobby Player component must also have a Network Identity component. When you create a Network Lobby Player component on a GameObject, Unity also creates a Network Identity component on that GameObject if it does not already have one.

Network Lobby Player コンポーネント
Network Lobby Player コンポーネント
プロパティー 機能
Show Lobby GUI これを有効にするとロビーでプレイヤーが使用する開発用 GUI を表示します。この UI は、開発者の作業用の目的でのみ提供されています。これは、デフォルトで有効になっています。
Network Channel The network channel used by the Network Lobby Player
Network Send Interval The rate at which information is sent from the Network Lobby Player to the server. See GetNetworkSendInterval()
Network Lobby Manager
Network Manager HUD