
static var dedicatedServer : boolean


Report this machine as a dedicated server.

If running as a server the connection count defines the player count and this is reported when registering on the master server. By default the master server assumes this instance is not a dedicated server and thus the player count is incremented by one (to account for the \"client\" running on the server). If this is not desired this variable can be set to false and then only the connection count is reported in the host data as the player count.

function StartServer() {
Network.InitializeServer(32, 25002);
// Not running a client locally
MasterServer.dedicatedServer = true;
"JohnDoes game", "l33t game for all");

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
void StartServer() {
Network.InitializeServer(32, 25002);
MasterServer.dedicatedServer = true;
MasterServer.RegisterHost("MyUniqueGameType", "JohnDoes game", "l33t game for all");

import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

class example(MonoBehaviour):

def StartServer():
Network.InitializeServer(32, 25002)
MasterServer.dedicatedServer = true
MasterServer.RegisterHost('MyUniqueGameType', 'JohnDoes game', 'l33t game for all')