The VR module implements support for virtual reality devices in Unity.
GestureRecognizer | Manager class with API for recognizing user gestures. |
HolographicRemoting | The Holographic Remoting interface allows you to connect an application to a remote holographic device, and stream data between the application and that device. |
HolographicSettings | The Holographic Settings contain functions which effect the performance and presentation of Holograms on Windows Holographic platforms. |
InteractionManager | Provides access to user input from hands, controllers, and system voice commands. |
PhotoCapture | Captures a photo from the web camera and stores it in memory or on disk. |
PhotoCaptureFrame | Contains information captured from the web camera. |
SurfaceObserver | SurfaceObserver is the main API portal for spatial mapping functionality in Unity. |
VideoCapture | Records a video from the web camera directly to disk. |
WebCam | Contains general information about the current state of the web camera. |
WorldAnchor | The WorldAnchor component allows a GameObject's position to be locked in physical space. |
WorldAnchorStore | The storage object for persisted WorldAnchors. |
WorldAnchorTransferBatch | A batch of WorldAnchors which can be exported and imported between apps. |
WorldManager | This class represents the state of the real world tracking system. |
XRDevice | Contains all functionality related to a XR device. |
XRSettings | Global XR related settings. |
XRStats | Timing and other statistics from the XR subsystem. |
CameraParameters | When calling PhotoCapture.StartPhotoModeAsync, you must pass in a CameraParameters object that contains the various settings that the web camera will use. |
GestureErrorEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant during an error event. |
HoldCanceledEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a user cancels a hold gesture. |
HoldCompletedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a hold gesture completes. |
HoldStartedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a hold gesture starts. |
InteractionSource | Represents one detected instance of an interaction source (hand, controller, or user's voice) that can cause interactions and gestures. |
InteractionSourceDetectedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevent when an interaction source is detected. |
InteractionSourceLostEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevent when an interaction source is lost. |
InteractionSourcePose | Pose data of the interaction source at the time of either the gesture or interaction. |
InteractionSourcePressedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevent when an interaction source enters the pressed state for one of its buttons. |
InteractionSourceProperties | Represents the set of properties available to explore the current state of a hand or controller. |
InteractionSourceReleasedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevent when an interaction source exits the pressed state for one of its buttons. |
InteractionSourceState | Represents a snapshot of the state of a spatial interaction source (hand, voice or controller) at a given time. |
InteractionSourceUpdatedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevent when an interaction source updates. |
ManipulationCanceledEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a manipulation gesture is canceled. |
ManipulationCompletedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a manipulation gesture completes. |
ManipulationStartedEventArgs | Contains fields relevant when a manipulation gesture starts. |
ManipulationUpdatedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a manipulation gesture gets updated. |
NavigationCanceledEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a navigation gesture is canceled. |
NavigationCompletedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a navigation gesture completes. |
NavigationStartedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a navigation gesture starts. |
NavigationUpdatedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a navigation gesture updates. |
RecognitionEndedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when recognition of a gesture event ends. |
RecognitionStartedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when recognition of a gesture event begins. |
SurfaceData | SurfaceData is a container struct used for requesting baked spatial mapping data and receiving that data once baked. |
SurfaceId | SurfaceId is a structure wrapping the unique ID used to denote Surfaces. SurfaceIds are provided through the onSurfaceChanged callback in Update and returned after a RequestMeshAsync call has completed. SurfaceIds are guaranteed to be unique though Surfaces are sometimes replaced with a new Surface in the same location with a different ID. |
TappedEventArgs | Contains fields that are relevant when a tap gesture occurs. |
CapturePixelFormat | The encoded image or video pixel format to use for PhotoCapture and VideoCapture. |
GameViewRenderMode | Enumeration of available modes for XR rendering in the Game view or in the main window on a host PC. XR rendering only occurs when the Unity Editor is in Play Mode. |
GestureSettings | This enumeration represents the set of gestures that may be recognized by GestureRecognizer. |
HolographicStreamerConnectionFailureReason | Enum indicating the reason why connection to remote device has failed. |
HolographicStreamerConnectionState | Current state of the holographis streamer remote connection. |
InteractionSourceHandedness | Denotes which hand was used as the input source. |
InteractionSourceKind | Specifies the kind of an interaction source. |
InteractionSourceNode | Specifies which part of the controller to query pose information for. |
InteractionSourcePositionAccuracy | Denotes the accuracy of tracking on the interaction source. |
InteractionSourcePressType | The type of button or controller feature pressed, if any. |
PhotoCaptureFileOutputFormat | Image Encoding Format. |
PositionalLocatorState | Indicates the lifecycle state of the device's spatial location system. |
SerializationCompletionReason | This enum represents the result of a WorldAnchorTransferBatch operation. |
SurfaceChange | Enumeration of the different types of SurfaceChange events. |
TrackingOriginMode | Represents how the device is reporting pose data. |
TrackingSpaceType | Represents the size of physical space available for XR. |
UserPresenceState | Represents the current user presence state detected by the device. |
WebCamMode | Describes the active mode of the Web Camera resource. |
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