Version: 2023.2
언어: 한국어
Introduction to collider shapes
Introduction to primitive collider shapes

Primitive collider shapes

Primitive colliders are defined by simple geometric shapes with a low number of polygons. They match Unity’s Primitive Objects, which are built-in GameObject shapes.

항목 설명
Introduction to primitive collider shapes Overview of the primitive collider shapes (Box, Sphere and Capsule) in Unity.
Box Collider 컴포넌트 레퍼런스 Reference page for the Box collider component.
[Sphere Collider 컴포넌트 레퍼런스](class- SphereCollider) Reference page for the Sphere collider component.
Capsule Collider 컴포넌트 레퍼런스 Reference page for the Capsule collider component.
Introduction to collider shapes
Introduction to primitive collider shapes