Version: 2017.1
Baked Indirect 模式


混合__光源是 Mode__ 属性设置为 Mixed光源组件


场景中的所有__混合__光源都使用相同的__混合____光照模式。要设置__光照模式 (Lighting Mode),请打开 Lighting 窗口(菜单:__Window__ > Lighting__),单击 Scene__ 选项卡,然后导航至 Mixed Lighting 部分。

Lighting 窗口的 Mixed Lighting 部分
Lighting 窗口的 Mixed Lighting 部分



混合光照对于不属于游戏但可照亮静态环境的光源(例如天空中不动的太阳)非常有用。混合光源的直接光照仍需在运行时计算,因此静态网格上的材质将保持其视觉保真度,包括完整的基于物理着色 (PBS) 支持。


Shadowmask 模式的 Distance Shadowmask 是资源最密集的选项,但可提供最出色效果:此选项可在__阴影距离 (Shadow Distance)__ (Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows) 内产生高质量阴影,并在超出此距离后提供烘焙的高质量阴影。例如,只要太阳不穿过天空,就可以创建具有延伸到地平线的逼真阴影的大型景观。

Subtractive 模式提供最低质量的结果:仅为一个光源实时渲染阴影,并将阴影与烘焙的直接和间接光照进行合成。只有目标平台无法使用任何其他模式时(例如,应用程序需要在低端移动设备上运行,但内存限制会阻止使用 ShadowmaskDistance Shadowmask 模式)才应使用此模式作为后备解决方案。

请参阅 Unity 光照模式参考卡 (Unity Lighting Modes Reference Card) 了解各种模式的集中比较。


  • Subtractive 模式会回退到前向渲染(无延迟或光照 prepass 支持)。

  • Shadowmask 模式在仅支持四个渲染目标的平台上(例如许多移动端 GPU)会回退到前向渲染(无延迟或光照 prepass 支持)。




在使用 Baked IndirectShadowmask 的情况下,直接光照的影响就像__实时__光源一样,因此您可以更改光源的颜色、强度甚至变换等参数。但是,烘焙值是预先计算的,在运行时无法更改。


If only subtle changes are introduced to direct lighting (for example, by only slightly modifying the hue or intensity of a Light), it is possible to get the benefits of indirect lighting and for the Light to appear somewhat dynamic, without the extra processing time required for a Realtime Light. Indirect lighting is still incorrect, but the error might be subtle enough not to be objectionable. This works especially well for Lig hts without precomputed shadow information. This is achieved either by having shadows disabled for the Light, or by using Baked Indirect mode where shadows are real time. As shadowmasks are part of the direct lighting computation, moving such Lights causes visual inconsistencies with shadows not lining up correctly.




In the case of Mixed Lights, the last segment of a light path (that is, the path from the Light to the surface) becomes part of the precomputation as well. However, Unity still handles direct lighting and indirect lighting separately. It bakes indirect lighting into light maps and Light Probes, which are then sampled at run time. Indirect lighting is generally low frequency, meaning it looks looks smooth and doesn’t contain detailed shadows or light transitions. Therefore, shadows are handled with direct lighting where they have a high visible impact.


阴影信息可预计算并存储在阴影遮罩中。阴影遮罩是一种纹理,它与相应的光照贴图共享相同的 UV 布局和分辨率。它存储每个纹理像素的最多四个光源的遮挡信息(因为纹理在当前 GPU 上限制为最多四个通道)。值的范围是 0 到 1,中间的值标记柔和阴影区域。

If shadowmasks are enabled, Light Probes also store occlusion information for up to four Lights. If more than four Lights intersect, the excess Lights fall back to Baked Lights. You can inspect this behavior with the shadowmask overlap visualization mode. This information is precomputed, so only the only shadows Unity stores in the shadowmask are shadows cast from static GameObjects onto other static GameObjects. These shadows can have smoother edges providing better quality than real-time shadow maps, depending on the light map resolution. Because each Mixed Light retains its shadowmask channel mapping at run time, shadows cast by dynamic GameObjects via shadow maps can be correctly composited with precomputed shadows from static GameObjects, avoiding inconsistencies like double shadowing.



Baked IndirectShadowmask 的共同之处在于,直接光照总是实时计算得出并添加到光照贴图中存储的间接光照,因此需要光照方向的所有材质效果都能继续工作。如果为该光源启用了阴影,则动态游戏对象总是在__阴影距离 (Shadow Distance)__ (Edit > Project Settings > Quality > Shadows) 内通过阴影贴图在其他动态游戏对象上投射阴影。

Baked Indirect 模式:仅预先计算间接光照
Baked Indirect 模式:仅预先计算间接光照
Shadowmask 和 Distance Shadowmask 模式:预先计算间接光照和直接遮挡
ShadowmaskDistance Shadowmask 模式:预先计算间接光照和直接遮挡
Subtractive 模式:预先计算所有光路
Subtractive 模式:预先计算所有光路

  • 2017–09–18 页面已修订并只进行了有限的编辑审查

  • 在 5.6 版中添加了“光照模式”

Baked Indirect 模式