Version: 5.5


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public static Collider2D[] OverlapCapsuleAll (Vector2 point, Vector2 size, CapsuleDirection2D direction, float angle, int layerMask= DefaultRaycastLayers, float minDepth= -Mathf.Infinity, float maxDepth= Mathf.Infinity);


point Center of the capsule.
size Size of the capsule.
direction Направление капсулы.
angle Angle of the capsule.
layerMask @param layerMask Фильтр для обнаружения коллайдеров только на определённых слоях.
minDepth @param minDepth Включает только объекты с координатой Z (глубиной) выше, чем это значение.
maxDepth @param maxDepth Включает только объекты с координатой Z (глубиной) меньше, чем это значение.


Collider2D[] The cast results returned.


Get a list of all colliders that fall within a capsule area.

This function is similar to OverlapCapsule except that all colliders that fall within the capsule are returned. The colliders in the returned array are sorted in order of increasing Z coordinate. An empty array is returned if there are no colliders within the box.

Note that this function will allocate memory for the returned Collider2D array. You can use OverlapCapsuleNonAlloc to avoid this overhead if you need to make the check frequently.

See Also: OverlapCapsule, OverlapCapsuleNonAlloc.