Version: 5.5


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public void SetMatrixArray (string name, Matrix4x4[] values);
public void SetMatrixArray (int nameID, Matrix4x4[] values);
public void SetMatrixArray (string name, List<Matrix4x4> values);
public void SetMatrixArray (int nameID, List<Matrix4x4> values);


name Property name.
values Array of values to set.
nameID Property name ID, use Shader.PropertyToID to get it.


Set a matrix array property.

Sets a matrix array property on the material. If a matrix array property with the given name already exists, the old value is replaced.

Array length can't be changed once it is added to the block. If you set an array of different length for a second time, the number of elements to be replaced will be capped to the minimum of the old and the new array and the rest will stay untouched.

Array parameters are not exposed in the material inspector, nor serialized with the material asset. But they can be set and queried with SetFloatArray, SetColorArray, SetVectorArray, SetMatrixArray and the corresponding getters from scripts at runtime.

See Also: GetMatrixArray.