Режимы отрисовки для Handles.DrawCamera.
Normal | Отрисовывать камеру, как она будет отрисована в игре. Это использует чистые флаги камеры. |
Textured | Отрисовывать камеру в текстурном режиме с каркасным выбором и без очистки фона. |
Wireframe | Отрисовывать камеру в каркасном режиме и без очистки фона. |
TexturedWire | Отрисовывать камеру, где все объекты отображаются каркасом, и без очистки фона. |
ShadowCascades | Draw directional light shadowmap cascades. |
RenderPaths | Draw color-coded render paths. |
AlphaChannel | Display alpha channel of the rendering. |
Overdraw | Display scene overdraw, with brighter colors indicating more overdraw. |
Mipmaps | Display texture resolution, with red tint indicating too high resolution, and blue tint indicating texture sizes that could be higher. |
DeferredDiffuse | Draw diffuse color of Deferred Shading g-buffer. |
DeferredSpecular | Draw specular color of Deferred Shading g-buffer. |
DeferredSmoothness | Draw smoothness value of Deferred Shading g-buffer. |
DeferredNormal | Draw world space normal of Deferred Shading g-buffer. |
Charting | Draw objects with different color for each chart (UV island). |
Systems | Draw objects with different color for each GI system. |
Albedo | Draw objects with the albedo component only. |
Emissive | Draw objects with the emission component only. |
Irradiance | Draw objects with real-time GI only. |
Directionality | Draw objects with directionality for real-time GI. |
Baked | Draw objects with baked GI only. |
Clustering | Draw with different color for each cluster. |
LitClustering | Draw lit clusters. |