Version: 5.4
Method group is Obsolete
The _3D argument of AudioClip is deprecated. Use the spatialBlend property of AudioSource instead to morph between 2D and 3D playback.


Switch to Manual
public static AudioClip Create (string name, int lengthSamples, int channels, int frequency, bool stream);
public static AudioClip Create (string name, int lengthSamples, int channels, int frequency, bool stream, AudioClip.PCMReaderCallback pcmreadercallback);
public static AudioClip Create (string name, int lengthSamples, int channels, int frequency, bool stream, AudioClip.PCMReaderCallback pcmreadercallback, AudioClip.PCMSetPositionCallback pcmsetpositioncallback);
public static AudioClip Create (string name, int lengthSamples, int channels, int frequency, bool _3D, bool stream);
public static AudioClip Create (string name, int lengthSamples, int channels, int frequency, bool _3D, bool stream, AudioClip.PCMReaderCallback pcmreadercallback);
public static AudioClip Create (string name, int lengthSamples, int channels, int frequency, bool _3D, bool stream, AudioClip.PCMReaderCallback pcmreadercallback, AudioClip.PCMSetPositionCallback pcmsetpositioncallback);


name Name of clip.
lengthSamples Number of sample frames.
channels Number of channels per frame.
frequency Частота семпла. (Read Only)
_3D Audio clip is played back in 3D.
stream True if clip is streamed, that is if the pcmreadercallback generates data on the fly.
pcmreadercallback This callback is invoked to generate a block of sample data. Non-streamed clips call this only once at creation time while streamed clips call this continuously.
pcmsetpositioncallback This callback is invoked whenever the clip loops or changes playback position.


AudioClip A reference to the created AudioClip.


Создаёт пользовательский AudioClip с данным именем, длинной (в сэмплах), каналами и частотой.

Если поток true, Unity по требованию будет читать данные небольшими порциями. Если false, все образцы будут считываться во время создания.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public int position = 0; public int samplerate = 44100; public float frequency = 440; void Start() { AudioClip myClip = AudioClip.Create("MySinusoid", samplerate * 2, 1, samplerate, true, OnAudioRead, OnAudioSetPosition); AudioSource aud = GetComponent<AudioSource>(); aud.clip = myClip; aud.Play(); } void OnAudioRead(float[] data) { int count = 0; while (count < data.Length) { data[count] = Mathf.Sign(Mathf.Sin(2 * Mathf.PI * frequency * position / samplerate)); position++; count++; } } void OnAudioSetPosition(int newPosition) { position = newPosition; } }