Version: 5.4


class in UnityEditor.Animations


Inherits from:Object

Switch to Manual


A graph controlling the interaction of states. Each state references a motion.


anyStatePositionThe position of the AnyState node.
anyStateTransitionsThe list of AnyState transitions.
behavioursThe Behaviour list assigned to this state machine.
defaultStateThe state that the state machine will be in when it starts.
entryPositionThe position of the entry node.
entryTransitionsThe list of entry transitions in the state machine.
exitPositionThe position of the exit node.
parentStateMachinePositionThe position of the parent state machine node. Only valid when in a hierachic state machine.
stateMachinesThe list of sub state machines.
statesThe list of states.

Public Functions

AddAnyStateTransitionUtility function to add an AnyState transition to the specified state or statemachine.
AddEntryTransitionUtility function to add an incoming transition to the exit of it's parent state machine.
AddStateUtility function to add a state to the state machine.
AddStateMachineUtility function to add a state machine to the state machine.
AddStateMachineBehaviourAdds a state machine behaviour class of type stateMachineBehaviourType to the AnimatorStateMachine. C# Users can use a generic version.
AddStateMachineExitTransitionUtility function to add an outgoing transition from the source state machine to the exit of it's parent state machine.
AddStateMachineTransitionUtility function to add an outgoing transition from the source state machine to the destination.
GetStateMachineTransitionsGets the list of all outgoing state machine transitions from given state machine.
MakeUniqueStateMachineNameMakes a unique state machine name in the context of the parent state machine.
MakeUniqueStateNameMakes a unique state name in the context of the parent state machine.
RemoveAnyStateTransitionUtility function to remove an AnyState transition from the state machine.
RemoveEntryTransitionUtility function to remove an entry transition from the state machine.
RemoveStateUtility function to remove a state from the state machine.
RemoveStateMachineUtility function to remove a state machine from its parent state machine.
RemoveStateMachineTransitionUtility function to remove an outgoing transition from source state machine.
SetStateMachineTransitionsSets the list of all outgoing state machine transitions from given state machine.

Inherited members


hideFlagsShould the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user?
nameThe name of the object.

Public Functions

GetInstanceIDReturns the instance id of the object.
ToStringReturns the name of the game object.

Static Functions

DestroyУдаляет GameObject, Component или Asset.
DestroyImmediateDestroys the object obj immediately.
DontDestroyOnLoadMakes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene.
FindObjectOfTypeReturns the first active loaded object of Type type.
FindObjectsOfTypeReturns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type.
InstantiateReturns a copy of the object original.


boolDoes the object exist?
operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object.
operator ==Compares two object references to see if they refer to the same object.