public void DrawMeshInstanced (Mesh mesh, int submeshIndex, Material material, int shaderPass, Matrix4x4[] matrices, int count, MaterialPropertyBlock properties);
public void DrawMeshInstanced (Mesh mesh, int submeshIndex, Material material, int shaderPass, Matrix4x4[] matrices, int count);
public void DrawMeshInstanced (Mesh mesh, int submeshIndex, Material material, int shaderPass, Matrix4x4[] matrices);


mesh@param mesh Mesh, который будет нарисован.
submeshIndexWhich subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials.
material@param material Используемый Material.
shaderPassWhich pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes.
matricesThe array of object transformation matrices.
countThe number of instances to be drawn.
propertiesAdditional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock.


Adds a "draw mesh with instancing" command.

The command will not immediately fail and throw an exception if Material.enableInstancing is false, but it will log an error and skips rendering each time the command is being executed if such a condition is detected.

InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the current platform doesn't support this API (i.e. if GPU instancing is not available). See SystemInfo.supportsInstancing.