public void SetJointPositions (List<float> positions);


positionsSupplied list of floats used to set the joint positions.


Assigns articulation body joint positions for the entire hierarchy of bodies.

This sets joint positions in the reduced coordinate space for the entire articulation hierarchy starting from root using the supplied list of floats. Every joint position DOF is represented by one float value, however depending on the type of the articulation joint there might be zero, one or 3 DOFs per joint. The exact location of the data to be set in the supplied list for the specific articulation body can be found by calling ArticulationBody.GetDofStartIndices and indexing returned dofStartIndices list by the particular body index via ArticulationBody.index. Number of degrees of freedom(DOF) for the articulation body can be found using ArticulationBody.dofCount. See Also: index, GetDofStartIndices, dofCount, GetJointPositions.